GNU/Linux History

The Beginning:

In the 1960s, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AT&T Bell Labs, and General Electric worked on an experimental operating system called Multics designed to run on the GE-645 mainframe computer.
1969:At AT&T Bell Labs, Ken Thompson(one of developers of Multics) and Dennis Ritchie led a team of developers, started developing a file system and a new multi-tasking operating system. They included a command line interpreter and some small utility programs.The project was named Unics,later Unix.
1970: The Unix operating system was officially named and ran on the PDP-11/20. It was written in PDP-11/20 assembly language.
1972:At Bell Labs,Brian Kernigham,Dennis Ritchie develops C programming language
1973:Unix rewritten in C.(Unix V4)

The Variants:

1975:Unix V6 is made available at universities.1st variant of Unix -Berkeley Software Distribution(BSD) at University of California,Berkeley.
1982:Bill Joy(one of the developers of BSD) founded Sun Microsystems,created Sun OS(now Solaris).

GNU(GNU is not Unix):

1984:Richard Matthew Stallman quit his job at MIT.
GNU Project:Stallman started this,formed team and software development began,goal to develop a UNIX like free operating system( free to study the source code,free to share the software with other people,free to modify the behaviour of the software,free to publish the modified versions).
All the necessary softwares were started to be written from scratch.
By 1990: the GNU system had an extensible text editor(Emacs), a compiler-GNU Compiler Collection(GCC), and most of the core libraries and utilities of a standard Unix distribution.The main component still missing was the kernel.


1987: Andrew S. Tanenbaum released released MINIX 1 in his book on operating systems.MINIX became very popular. Linus Torvalds also used MINIX.

Linux Kernel:

By 1991:Linus improved MINIX(as he wanted UNIX like OS to run on his INTEL386 system) ,converted it into his own operating system, entirely free of the original code.He made a monolithic kernel(named LINUX kernel)unlike microkernel of MINIX.
Development of Linux kernel was done on MINIX using GNU C Compiler.

Linus’ OS-Linux v 0.01 released.


By 1992:Linux kernel is adapted by GNU project to form GNU/Linux Operating system.Thus a completely free and open source OS is developed.

By 2008:Many distros of GNU/Linux is released.Debian,Open Suse,Red Hat,Fedora,Slackware ……….are the popular ones.


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February 2008