Port Forwarding–configure modem for virtual server

All Modems have different settings but I have done this configuration for BSNL and Airtel modems successfully.There was not much of a difference.

Here I m giving the procedure for Airtel modem.

Type in browser default gateway address(type in cmd,ipconfig).eg.
it will ask for username–type admin(majority has this only)
password–type password(or admin or anyother default …ask the concerned person).

Here is the list for default username,passwords of common routers

Now navigate to virtual server as shown here.Now click on add,and enter details as here(here server ip address is internal ip address),Save,Apply.

Make PC a Server(Run website or Share files)

NOTE:Keeping up our PC as a server has few hurdles:
*If our Internet connection has dynamic ip address (i.e. each time modem is restarted…IP address changes),server address changes.
*Due to bandwidth limit,only few people can download files(though accessing of web pages can be done easily).

To overcome the 1st hurdle,use domain name from free dynamic domains(eg. http://dyndns.com,while entering details type external ipaddress as obtained from http://cmyip.com)It will give a domain name (eg. server.homeftp.org).Download and install DynDN Updater(allows to connect ur pc directly to its server)

Download and install Apache web server from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi(.msi for Windows,.tar.gz..for Linux or Unix).

During installation in Windows:
In Network domain:enter domain name obtained(eg. server.homeftp.org)
In server name:Enter same as above with www(eg. http://www.server.homeftp.org)
Administrative email:any email id
Now,leave all fields recommended and default,install it.
Start apache web server(firewall gives warning…unblock it).
In the browser type http://localhost.If success page comes up,then installation is correct.
Now browse through C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf open httpd.conf using notepad, (# shows- lines are commented) find string,DocumentRoot change path to the directory whose files u want to share or keep web pages.(eg. D:\web\ ,default is C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs).Now find a line (# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to)below it change path of Directory to same as that of DocumentRoot.
Now create a file index.html inside the DocumentRoot(eg. D:\web\).And keep all files,folders inside that to share or the web files for the website.
To view the logs go to:C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\logs.
Now to make it work across the world over internet.We have to configure the modem,to do a Virtual Servers Setup.
Now open cmd from run,type ipconfig: it will give internal ip (eg. Type this internal ip in browser.we can see our server running over LAN. Now,note down external ip from http://cmyip.com.To test is it really working,from any other computer(not on that LAN),type external ip u noted or domain name registered, in the browser.
Is it??
Post ur experience.

My PC as a server.http://my-stuffs.co.nr or http://mystuffs.homeftp.org



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March 2008